Current challenges in gender equality policy

The gender equal organisation of paid work and (unpaid) care work serves as a guiding thread to the Expert Commission. The Expert Commission addresses also current gender equality policy challenges that are not in line with this thread.

1. Gender equal organisation of work in digital technologies

  • Introducing gender mainstreaming in all committees that address the future and digitalisation of work
  • Regulation of digital platforms in respect of the inherent gender equality problems and labour-law issues
  • Development of effective instruments against cyber harassment, e.g. introduction of a responsibility scheme in supporting victims as well as improved workplace protection for "community managers"

2. Overcoming violence in partner relationships

  • Intensification of prevention measures against violence in partnership relations on federal, regional and local level; prevention measures in schools and other educational institutions as well as measures to specifically support children who live or have lived in violent household situations
  • Guaranteed provision of timely protection and support for persons affected by violence in partnership relations
  • Periodic monitoring of violence and measures against violence with systematic data collection and analysis with regards to effective measures

3. Flight

  • Generating knowledge and public communication on the issue of flight and gender via statistical data-collection and analysis on an intersectional and gender-differentiated basis as well as in consideration of the asylum status
  • Extension of measures for the protection against violence through comprehensive identification mechanisms for the need for protection in fast track procedures

4. Structures and instruments for implementing gender equality

  • Adoption of an action plan on federal level with binding gender policy objectives and corresponding concrete measures; introduction of a coordination structure for its implementation
  • Introduction of gender budgeting for the national budget
  • Mandatory appliance of the gender impact assessment when drafting legislation
  • Creation of a knowledge transfer structure and accompanying consultation for the public administration in gender equality policy